A selection of work in-house at Away, 2017–2019.
Holiday 2018
A 360° marketing campaign designed to support the travel company’s biggest months of the year. Balancing limited edition pieces and core products across an array of price points, united by one common principle: no matter the season, everyone just wants to get away.
Design by Regina Puno
Terminal A
In the summer of 2018, Away opened an immersive, idealized travel experience to celebrate the arrival of a line of personal items. Terminal A allowed customers to explore the full product range and personalize their luggage, and featured a new approach to copy, design, and merch for the brand.
Design by Regina Puno, Ryan Dutch, and Vanessa Lam
Misc. brand work
Paid ads and mailers for ongoing campaigns.
Design work by Gino Chua and Zack Repko